There's always been an abundance of brilliant ideas out there for helping to inspire, train, inform, and develop our children! Now is your chance to get familiar with many through unprecedented access! The list is almost infinite, and time does not permit us to exhaustively vet every site for all content issues. But here are some clickable items to help!
ACademic resources galore!
Zoom Meetings!
Thanks to a generous move on the part of the CEO to offer a free extension for educators, you can expect to start seeing some plans for face-to-face class meetings in Zoom. Students can join the meeting without any account, from any device, and participate with or without video or microphone, though more tools mean more options. You may have already seen or heard many using this platform in recent weeks. Our teachers are getting used to it's already!
Planning Your Day!
While every family and every home is unique, there have been some great ideas posted out there to help get a "flow" for your child's day. We have our own school schedule, but you are free to follow your own to make it fit your lifestyle better! Whatever you do, it would be great to have all students attend our pledges and prayer time through the daily livestream at 9AM. Let us know if we can help you get connected to that.
Public Showings!
Many places are offering virtual tours and live cameras for science, history, and other "field trips" like:
Global Monuments
Educational Programs!
Companies have been clamoring to offer parents some options with kids at home, especially when schools have nothing to offer. We can't comb through all of these, but feel free to let us know your feedback as you discover on any favorites.
Plenty of ACtivities!
Going stir crazy? Try out some of these lists. Send us fun pics!
Other Classes to attend!
Several great teachers and companies have offered some regular classes to help kids get Physical Education, Arts, Music, and more during this time. Check it out!
Lunch Doodles with Mo Williems
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